The Role of AI and Corporate Culture in the Moroccan Banking Sector: Facilitating Change and Organizational Transformation


  • Rania EL MODNI LARFAGO ENCG Settat Hassan 1er– Settat - Maroc
  • Mounime EL KABBOURI LARFAGO ENCG Settat Hassan 1er– Settat - Maroc



Artificial Intelligence (AI), Organizational Culture, Banking Sector Organizational Transformation.


This study aims to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the organizational culture within the Moroccan banking sector. It focuses on understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with AI integration in business operations and decision-making processes. The research employs a qualitative methodology, utilizing interviews and focus groups with employees from various levels in the banking sector to explore the dynamics of AI integration and its effects on organizational culture. The findings highlight the complexity of integrating AI in banking, emphasizing the importance of leadership, employee skills development, and maintaining a balance between technological efficiency and human values. While discussing these implications, the study also acknowledges its limitations and suggests directions for future research. This paper offers unique insights into the evolving role of AI in organizational transformation within the Moroccan banking industry, emphasizing the need for cultural adaptation alongside technological advancements. It contributes to the understanding of the interplay between AI, organizational culture, and employee development in a rapidly changing sector.




How to Cite

EL MODNI , R., & EL KABBOURI , M. (2024). The Role of AI and Corporate Culture in the Moroccan Banking Sector: Facilitating Change and Organizational Transformation. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management (JEFM), 3(1), 164–180.